The IBrowse Cache Explorer Explained

Last Updated: 20th June 2003

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If you have set up a cache for IBrowse² to use in Preferences » Cache, you may like to examine it to extract files and generally manage it. This is the purpose of Thomas Igracki's IBrowse Cache Explorer, or ICE as its also known.

GUI Overview
When you initially open ICE from the Menus » Cache » Cache Explorer entry, the contents of the cache will be processed. Depending on the size of your cache this could take a few moments, after which you will be presented with a window similar to the one below.
Main ICE WIndow

1 ~ Status Message
This area of ICE is used to display the status that ICE currently has. During operations, information will be displayed here followed by a Ready! message once the operation is complete and ICE is ready for further operations. The status history can be read (and managed) using the Status History Button.

2 ~ Status History Button
This gadget will open a dropdown list detailing the history of the actions ICE has performed. Using the two buttons at the bottom of the dropdown list, you can manage the history by removing individual items, or clearing the entire history.

To remove an entry, click on the required item to highlight it, and then click on the Remove entry button, or to remove all entries click on the Clear all button. When you have finished with the history list, click on the Status History Button again to close the dropdown list. The appearance of the Status History can be configured using the Options FAB Menu when the mouse is over the Status Message area.

ICE Status History

3 ~ Entries Counter
This area of ICE is used to display the number of currently selected entries, against the total number of entries in the cache itself. The format of the display is: selected entries / total entries. In the image shown above, there are a total of 7 entries in the cache, and currently 0 (zero) are selected.

Main List
The main area of ICE is covered by the Filter and URL-Cache trees, which are pre-defined entries in the list. The list itself is split into four columns, Page, Type, Date & Size. The Page column lists the full URL of the entry within the cache, the Type column identifies the MIME Type associated with that entry, and the Date column lists the date the entry was last modified. Finally, the Size column lists one of two things, either the size of the entry in bytes, or the number of currently selected entries within that branch of the tree, against the total number of entries contained within that branch of the tree. The format of the display is: selected entries / total entries, and you can use this as an indicator of those domain branches that contain selected files after using the Select or Search options, to quickly decide if you need to open that particular domain branch.
4 ~ Filter Results Tree
This branch of the list is used to display the results after a filter has been applied. Double clicking on Filter will open the tree, and double clicking on current will open the results of the current filter. If there are any results listed, you can the perform operations on the entries using the URL FAB Menu. To clear the current filter results, use the Filter-Group FAB Menu. Filter Tree Expanded
5 ~ URL-Cache Tree
This branch of the list is used to display the contents of the cache. Double clicking on the URL-Cache entry will open the tree and display a list of the web sites that you have visited and that have been cached. Each web site is arranged based on its domain name (or IP address), and double clicking the domain name will then display all of the entries associated with that domain.

The domain can be loaded into IBrowse² by highlighting a domain entry and then clicking on the URL Button, or you can control them by using the Domain FAB Menu when a domain is highlighted. URL entries can also have various operations performed on them by using the URL FAB Menu over one of the entries, or the entry can be loaded into IBrowse² by highlighting it and then clicking the URL Button.

URL-Cache Tree Expanded

6 ~ Cache Usage Gauge
This area of ICE is used to display the cache usage in various forms. The display in the percentage bar is formatted as follows: current KBytes / total KBytes with the overall percentage used shown in brackets. A graphical form is also shown in the percentage bar that the text resides on. In the image shown above, the cache is shown as 2,048 KBytes (or 2MB), of which 14 KBytes are used, which is a total usage of 0%.

7 ~ URL Button
This gadget is used to load the current entry into IBrowse². The entry that will be loaded is shown on the button, and that includes the title of the Filter Tree, the current entry and the title of the URL-Cache Tree. Obviously, these will not do anything when clicking on them, the button only functions when a domain entry or an individual file entry is highlighted.

8 ~ Options Button
This area of ICE is a little misleading - the word Options is actually clickable, and doing so will open a new panel containing the Select, Filter and Search options. By using the various options, you can select multiple files to perform operations on, filter certain files or search for particular files, all based on the criteria you set using the huge array of options provided. Options
This tab is used to set up the criteria for selecting entries in the cache. Selecting entries will simply highlight all those entries matching the criteria you specify, allowing you to perform various operations on them using the URL FAB Menu. Multiple selection criteria can be set by using the three tabs, therefore allowing you to select files of MIME Type image/gif, that were 230bytes in size, and last modified Yesterday. Selecting will work on all of the domains listed within the URL-Cache Tree, allowing you to perform the operations on a wider range of entries.
This tab is used to select entries based on their URL or MIME Type.
Enabling the checkbox to the left of this option will allow you to specify a URL pattern to use for your selection criteria. You can enter the pattern directly into the string gadget, or use the button to the right to select an entry from a history of previously used patterns. Once the pattern has been entered, use the Special button to perform the selection accordingly.
Info The URL pattern history is only saved for the current ICE session, and they will be lost when exiting ICE.
Enabling the checkbox to the left of this option will allow you to specify a MIME Type to use for your selection criteria. You can enter the MIME Type directly into the string gadget, or use the button to the right to select an entry from a list of common MIME Types. To use a MIME Type that is not listed, simply enter it manually and it will be added at the end of the list ready for use on subsequent selections. Once the MIME Type has been entered, use the Special button to perform the selection accordingly.
Info Any new MIME Types are only saved for the current ICE session, and they will be lost when exiting ICE.
This tab is used to select entries based on the date they were last modified in the cache.
Enabling the checkbox to the left of this option will allow you to specify a start date to use for your selection criteria. You can enter the date directly into the string gadget, or use the slider to the right to select an entry from the available dates. The slider will be preset to the date of the earliest entry in the cache, with the top limit set to the date of the latest entry. Once the date has been specified, use the Special button to perform the selection accordingly.
This option will allow you to specify an end date to use for your selection criteria. You can enter the date directly into the string gadget, or use the slider to the right to select an entry from the available dates. The slider will be preset to the date of the latest entry in the cache, with the bottom limit set to the date of the earliest entry. Setting this date to the same as the from date, will allow you to select all entries for that one specific day. Once the date has been specified, use the Special button to perform the selection accordingly.
This tab is used to select entries based on their file size.
Enabling the checkbox to the left of this option will allow you to specify a minimum file size to use for your selection criteria. You can enter the size in bytes directly into the string gadget, or use the slider to the right to select an entry from the available sizes. The slider will be preset to the size of the smallest entry in the cache, with the top limit set to the size of the largest entry. Once the size has been specified, use the Special button to perform the selection accordingly.
This option will allow you to specify a maximum file size to use for your selection criteria. You can enter the size in bytes directly into the string gadget, or use the slider to the right to select an entry from the available sizes. The slider will be preset to the size of the largest entry in the cache, with the bottom limit set to the size of the smallest entry. Setting this size to the same as the min size, will allow you to select all entries matching that specific size. Once the size has been specified, use the Special button to perform the selection accordingly.
This gadget is used to perform a multiple select on the entries in the current domain of the URL-Cache Tree, that match the criteria specified in the tabs. You can then perform an operation on the multiple selected entries using the URL FAB Menu.
This gadget is used to select all entries within the current domain of the URL-Cache Tree. You can then perform an operation on the selected entries using the URL FAB Menu.
This gadget is used to unselect all currently selected entries.
This gadget is used to invert the currently selected entries, therefore turning selected entries into unselected entries, and vice versa. This gadget will work whether all, none or multiple entries have been selected.
Jump to
These gadgets are used to jump to the next or the previous selected entry, allowing you to step through each selected entry one at a time.
This tab is used to set up the criteria for filtering entries in the cache. Filtering entries will add all those entries matching the criteria you specify, into the current branch of the Filter Tree allowing you to perform various operations on them using the URL FAB Menu. Multiple selection criteria can be set by using the three tabs, therefore allowing you to filter files of MIME Type image/gif, that were 230bytes in size, and last modified Yesterday. Filtering will work on all of the domains listed within the URL-Cache Tree, allowing you to perform the operations on a wider range of entries.
This tab is used to select entries based on their URL or MIME Type.
Enabling the checkbox to the left of this option will allow you to specify a URL pattern to use for your filtering criteria. You can enter the pattern directly into the string gadget, or use the button to the right to select an entry from a history of previously used patterns. Once the pattern has been entered, use the Apply or Clear buttons to perform the filtering accordingly.
Info The URL pattern history is only saved for the current ICE session, and they will be lost when exiting ICE.
Enabling the checkbox to the left of this option will allow you to specify a MIME Type to use for your filtering criteria. You can enter the MIME Type directly into the string gadget, or use the button to the right to select an entry from a list of common MIME Types. To use a MIME Type that is not listed, simply enter it manually and it will be added at the end of the list ready for use on subsequent selections. Once the MIME Type has been entered, use the Apply or Clear buttons to perform the filtering accordingly.
Info Any new MIME Types are only saved for the current ICE session, and they will be lost when exiting ICE.
This tab is used to filter entries based on the date they were last modified in the cache.
Enabling the checkbox to the left of this option will allow you to specify a start date to use for your filtering criteria. You can enter the date directly into the string gadget, or use the slider to the right to select an entry from the available dates. The slider will be preset to the date of the earliest entry in the cache, with the top limit set to the date of the latest entry. Once the date has been specified, use the Apply or Clear buttons to perform the filtering accordingly.
This option will allow you to specify an end date to use for your filtering criteria. You can enter the date directly into the string gadget, or use the slider to the right to select an entry from the available dates. The slider will be preset to the date of the latest entry in the cache, with the bottom limit set to the date of the earliest entry. Setting this date to the same as the from date, will allow you to select all entries for that one specific day. Once the date has been specified, use the Apply or Clear buttons to perform the filtering accordingly.
This tab is used to filter entries based on their file size.
Enabling the checkbox to the left of this option will allow you to specify a minimum file size to use for your filtering criteria. You can enter the size in bytes directly into the string gadget, or use the slider to the right to select an entry from the available sizes. The slider will be preset to the size of the smallest entry in the cache, with the top limit set to the size of the largest entry. Once the size has been specified, use the Apply or Clear buttons to perform the filtering accordingly.
This option will allow you to specify a maximum file size to use for your filtering criteria. You can enter the size in bytes directly into the string gadget, or use the slider to the right to select an entry from the available sizes. The slider will be preset to the size of the largest entry in the cache, with the bottom limit set to the size of the smallest entry. Setting this size to the same as the min size, will allow you to select all entries matching that specific size. Once the size has been specified, use the Apply or Clear buttons to perform the filtering accordingly.
This gadget is used to perform the filtering on the entries, that match the criteria specified in the tabs. You can then select all of the filtered entries by selecting an entry in the current branch of the Filter Tree, and using All from the Select tab of the options. You can then perform an operation on the selected entries using the URL FAB Menu.
This gadget is used to clear all of the entries within the current branch of the Filter Tree. The criteria specified in the tabs will not be cleared using this gadget.
This tab is used to set up the criteria for searching for specific entries in the cache. Searching entries will allow you to step through those entries matching the criteria you specify, one at a time allowing you to perform the operations on the entries on a case-by-case basis.
This gadget is used to enter a pattern to use for your search criteria. Once the pattern has been specified, use the Search button to commence the search.
Backwards ?
Enabling this option will cause ICE to search through the cache backwards, from the currently selected entry (if applicable). When a match has been found the entry will be highlighted, and clicking Search again will continue the search backwards from that entry. When the search reaches the beginning of the domain list, it will stop.
Case sens. ?
Enabling this option will cause ICE to perform a case sensitive search on the pattern you have specified.
e.g. A search for #?gif with this option enabled, would only match files ending in gif, and not GIF,Gif, GiF, GIf etc. If this option were disabled, any file ending in the letters g, i & f would be matched no matter which case they were.
This gadget is used to perform the search for entries matching your criteria. The first entry that matches will be selected allowing you to perform operations on it using the URL FAB Menu. To proceed to the next matching entry, click Search again and repeat until you reach the beginning or end of the domain list in the URL-Cache Tree.
This cycle gadget is used to specify which area of the entry the search should be performed on.
in name
This option will cause ICE to perform the pattern search on the name of the entries in the cache only.
in contents
This gadget has no function in this release of ICE.
This cycle gadget is used to specify which entries the search should be performed on.
This option will cause ICE to perform the pattern search on all entries in the URL-Cache Tree.
This option will cause ICE to perform the pattern search only on those entries already selected, e.g. after having used the Select options.
This option will cause ICE to perform the pattern search only on those entries currently visible, i.e. those entries that are listed in a domain branch that is open.
same level
This option will cause ICE to perform the pattern search only on those entries in the currently opened domain branch. Even if you have two or more branches open, this will restrict the search to just the current domain.
Update min/max values
This gadget is used to update the values used in the date and size sliders for the upper and lower limits. If new entries have been added to the cache while ICE is open, or entries have been deleted via ICE, this gadget should be used to update these values so that the sliders accurately reflect the contents of the cache.

FAB Menus
ICE FAB MenusFor such a small program, ICE has an incredible number of FAB Menus allowing you to perform various different operations to entries, set different options, and manage the cache. This section gathers them all together to detail their usage, rather than dotting them about in the GUI overview in the previous section.

Options FAB Menu
The Options FAB Menu will open when holding the right mouse button down, whilst the pointer is over the Status Message area of ICE, and is used to control some options of the Status History.
Use Window?
This menu entry will instruct ICE to open the Status History in a MUI window when clicking the Status History Button, rather than a dropdown list. Using a window will provide you with all of the usual features of a window that are not available when using the dropdown list.
Display level »
This menu entry will open a submenu listing 6 different levels. The different levels are used to determine the status messages that will be shown in the Status History.
Level 0
This entry is used to show all status messages.
Level 1
This entry is used to show all status messages that have one or zero spaces in front of the message.
Level 2
This entry is used to show all status messages that have two or less spaces in front of the message.
Level 3
This entry is used to show all status messages that have three or less spaces in front of the message.
Level 4
This entry is used to show all status messages that have four or less spaces in front of the message.
Level 5
This entry is used to show all status messages that have five or less spaces in front of the message.

Cachelist FAB Menu
The Cachelist FAB Menu will open when holding the right mouse button down, whilst the pointer is over the column titles of the main list in ICE, and is used to control some options of ICE itself.
Select »
This menu entry will open a submenu listing four options used to control the selection of entries. The options replicate those found in the Options panel under the Select tab, and are as follows:
This entry is used to perform a multiple select on the entries in the URL-Cache Tree, that match the criteria specified in the Select tabs. If there are no criteria set up in the tabs, then this option will not have any effect. Once the entries have been selected, you can then perform an operation on the multiple selected entries using the URL FAB Menu.
This entry is used to select all entries within the current domain of the URL-Cache Tree. You can then perform an operation on the selected entries using the URL FAB Menu.
This entry is used to unselect all currently selected entries.
This entry is used to invert the currently selected entries, therefore turning selected entries into unselected entries, and vice versa. This gadget will work whether all, none or multiple entries have been selected.
Rexx »
This menu entry will open a submenu listing the ICE ARexx scripts.
This entry is used to rescan the ICE ARexx directory and displays all of the files in the Rexx submenu.
This menu entry will allow you to enable or disable the ability to perform multiple selections of entries in the domain lists.
Hide URL-Button
This menu entry will allow you to enable or disable the URL Button. Enabling the option will hide the button, and disabling it will show the button.
Hide Gauge
This menu entry will allow you to enable or disable the Cache Usage Gauge. Enabling the option will hide the gauge, and disabling it will show the gauge.
Save config
This menu entry will save the current settings for ICE. Future sessions will use these settings when launching ICE from IBrowse².
Column Width »
This menu entry will open a submenu listing two options used to reset the column widths used in the main ICE list.. If you resize one or more of the column widths, the options below will become enabled allowing you to reset the widths as required.
Default this
This entry is used to reset the column the mouse pointer is currently over, to its default width. It is only available when the width of the column the mouse is currently over has been changed.
Default all
This entry is used to reset all of the column to their default widths. It is only available when the width of one of the columns has been changed.
Column Order »
This menu entry will open a submenu listing two options used to control the column order used in the main ICE list. If you change one or more of the column orders, the options below will become enabled allowing you to reset the orders as required.
Default this
This entry is used to reset the column the mouse pointer is currently over, to its default order. It is only available when the order of the column the mouse is currently over has been changed.
Default all
This entry is used to reset all of the column to their default order. It is only available when the order of one of the columns has been changed.

URL-Cache FAB Menu
The URL-Cache FAB Menu will open when holding the right mouse button down, whilst the pointer is over the URL-Cache Tree title in the main ICE list, and is used to control some options of the domain branches within the cache tree.
Open all domains
This entry is used to quickly open all the closed domain branches within the URL-Cache Tree, allowing you to access the entries without having to open each individual domain one by one.
Close all domains
This entry is used to quickly close all the open domain branches within the URL-Cache Tree, saving you from having to close each individual domain one by one.

Filter-Group FAB Menu
The Filter-Group FAB Menu will open when holding the right mouse button down, whilst the pointer is over the current branch title in the Filter Tree of the main ICE list, and is used to control the filter application.
This entry is used to perform the filtering on the entries, that match the criteria specified in the Filter option tabs. You can then perform an operation on the selected entries using the URL FAB Menu.
This entry is used to clear all of the entries within the current branch of the Filter Tree. The criteria specified in the Filter option tabs will not be cleared using this entry.

Domain FAB Menu
The Domain FAB Menu will open when holding the right mouse button down, whilst the pointer is over a domain (or IP) branch title in the URL-Cache Tree of the main ICE list, and is used to control various domain entry operations.
This entry is used to instruct IBrowse² to load the selected domain. It has the same function as selecting the entry, and clicking the URL Button.
Save ...
This entry is used to save a snapshot of the selected domain to your hard disk. A directory requester will be presented allowing you to choose your destination, then ICE will recreate the directory structure of the cached files before copying them over. This allows you to view the saved domain offline separately from ICE or IBrowse², whilst retaining the cached entries.
Show html titles
This entry is used to switch between filenames and the text contained within the <title> tag of HTML pages stored in the cache. Enabling the option will show the <title> text, disabling it will show the filename. The first time this option is used, the titles are read from the HTML files from the hard disk, and cached internally. Subsequent use of this option will then load the titles from the internal title cache resulting in a much faster response.
Open all
This entry is used to quickly open all the closed domain branches within the URL-Cache Tree, allowing you to access the entries without having to open each individual domain one by one.
Close all
This entry is used to quickly close all the open domain branches within the URL-Cache Tree, saving you from having to close each individual domain one by one.
This entry is used to purge the selected domain entry from the cache. All of the individual entries will be removed freeing up some space in the cache, and the domain branch removed from ICE .

The URL FAB Menu will open when holding the right mouse button down, whilst the pointer is over an entry in the domain branch of the URL-Cache Tree in the main ICE list, and is used to control various URL/file entry operations.
This entry is used to instruct IBrowse² to load the URL of the selected entry. It has the same function as selecting the entry, and clicking the URL Button.
This entry is used to instruct ICE to load the selected entry from the cache via Multiview. Multiview will use the datatypes on your system to load the file, so only those formats that you have datatypes installed for, will be viewed correctly.
Save ...
This entry is used to save a copy of the selected entry to your hard disk. A file requester will be presented allowing you to choose your destination and filename (if required), then ICE will copy the file over. This allows you to view the saved file offline separately from ICE or IBrowse², whilst retaining the cached entry.
Clipboard »
This menu entry will open a submenu listing three options used to perform clipboard activities related to the selected entry or entries.
Copy this
This entry is used to copy the entry under the mouse pointer into the system clipboard. The contents of the clipboard can then be pasted into a suitable application. The entry does not need to be selected when using this option.
Copy selected
This entry is used to copy the selected entry into the system clipboard. The contents of the clipboard can then be pasted into a suitable application. When using this option, only the selected entry will be copied even if it is not the one under the mouse pointer when the FAB menu is opened.
Copy all
This entry is used to copy all of the selected entries into the system clipboard. The contents of the clipboard can then be pasted into a suitable application.
Remove »
This menu entry will open a submenu listing three options used to perform cache entry management.
entry name
This entry is used to remove the entry under the mouse pointer from the cache. The entry does not need to be selected when using this option. The FAB Menu text will inherit the name of the entry under the mouse pointer, and as such will be different each time it is used.
This entry is used to remove the selected entry or entries from the cache. When using this option, only the selected entry or entries will be removed even if it is not the one under the mouse pointer when the FAB menu is opened.
This entry is used to remove the entire domain branch from the cache.
domain »
This menu entry will open a submenu listing three options used to control the state of the domain branches.
Close parent
This entry is used to close the current domain branch.
Close all
This entry is used to quickly close all the open domain branches within the URL-Cache Tree, saving you from having to close each individual domain one by one.
Open all
This entry is used to quickly open all the closed domain branches within the URL-Cache Tree, allowing you to access the entries without having to open each individual domain one by one.

Like IBrowse², ICE has its own ARexx interface allowing you to write scripts to perform various procedures. ARexx scripts for ICE should be saved in SYS:Rexx/ICE/ which will be scanned when launching ICE. Additionally, the directory can be rescanned on demand from within ICE by using the FAB Menu » Cachelist » Rexx » Update option.
/* sample arexx script for ICE */

PARSE ARG url type date size filename rest

/* do what you want with it */

LF = '0a'x

/* SHELL COMMAND "MultiView "filename */

RETURN "URL = "url LF"Type = "type LF"Date = "date LF"Size = "size" Bytes" LF"File = "filename
The ICE ARexx interface makes use of the following parameters:
This parameter will return the complete URL of the selected entry.
This parameter will return the type of the selected entry, e.g. text/html.
This parameter will return the date of the selected entry.
This parameter will return the size of the selected entry in bytes.
This parameter will return the cache filename of the selected entry.
Info If you return a string using the ARexx command RETURN, it will be displayed in a nice requester.

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